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2024 White-Collar Crime: What Every CPA Should Know
2.00 Credits
According to the FBI, “white-collar crime is … synonymous with the full range of frauds committed by business and government professionals … characterized by deceit, concealment, or violation of trust …. The motivation behind these crimes is financial—to obtain or avoid losing money, property, or services or to secure a personal or business advantage.” CPAs can and should play a crucial role in preventing and detecting white-collar crime, as well as in prosecuting the perpetrators. This session will explore whether we are up to this challenge, heighten awareness regarding the CPA’s role as a front-line defender of the public interest, and assess whether we are deserving of the public trust we enjoy. Speaker - David Cotton
Avoiding Budget People Issues: Managing Budgeting's Soft Side
2.00 Credits
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The budgeting process can be a time consuming and frustrating process for accountants. The constraints and pressures can lead to poor decisions in both the technical and human components. This session will cover: Avoiding Budget People Issues: Managing Budgeting’s Soft Side • Financial plans have a technical component and human component. We can resolve some of our budget issues by exploring the process’ human aspect. This session includes a case study that measures an individual’s personality type and then explores how to use our strengths and weaknesses to create to a better plan. Speaker - Bob Mims
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Indirect Rate Recovery for Non-Profits & Pass-Through Entities
1.00 Credits
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Our session will include a discussion regarding indirect rate strategies for cost recovery. We will cover negotiating indirect rates with pass-through entities and alternative indirect cost recovery methods. A look at applying the PPP Loan Forgiveness credit. Understanding the definition of sub-awards and the MTDC allocation base, and where best to allocate bonus expense. Included in this session will be a selected review of the Uniform Guidance FAQs regarding indirect rates for States and Municipalities, as well as recently issued FAQs that impact indirect rates and cost recovery. Speaker - Paul Calabrese
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Predictive Accounting: Driver-Based Budgeting & Rolling Financial Forecasts
2.00 Credits
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The annual budgeting process is often criticized as an accounting exercise that is obsolete soon after it is published, prone to gamesmanship, cumbersome, not volume sensitive, and disconnected from the organization's strategy and risk management processes. You can resolve these deficiencies using capacity-sensitive driver-based projections. Driver-based budgeting allows for quick scenario planning and far easier analysis of a growing organization whose future may look nothing like today. The driver-based budgets can be periodically refreshed to create rolling financial forecasts extending well beyond the fiscal year end. Learn how managerial accounting can become managerial economics. Speaker - Gary Cokins
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Profitability Pricing: Boost your Bottom Line
2.00 Credits
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Two seemingly similar products can have very different costs, yet many companies are completely oblivious to these differences causing them to lose money or competitive bids. When companies compete, those with good information win the “gravy” contracts and those with bad information lose money on “dog” jobs. Attend this session to gain insights on how to win bids for the best opportunities and give the money-losers to your competitors. Achieve your target profitability in the process. Speaker - John Daly
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When Leadership Fails
2.00 Credits
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When the leadership in any organizations carries out their responsibilities of establishing, maintaining and monitoring internal controls, it significantly reduces the possibility of fraud occurring. When and if it does occur, a good system of internal controls will often detect it early on. This presentation is an illustration of what can happen when top management fails to carry out their responsibility of protecting an entity’s assets through a good system of internal controls. Speaker - Dennis Dycus
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The Controllership Series - The Financial Close Process
1.50 Credits
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A common challenge for the controller role is in closing the month-end and period-end books in preparation to issue financial statements. This duty requires precision, timing and efficiency. In today’s digital world, many organizations have access to financial accounting software that will assist with the steps in the financial close. However, even with this aid it is critical the accountant understand the various steps for the close process and how they inter-relate to other accounting processes. This course gives you an insight into the inter-relationships between many processes that impact the financial close. The closing process has traditionally been a slow one with many companies taking two weeks to close its subsidiary’s books and another two to three weeks to roll up and consolidated the results. With the introduction of technology much has been done to help accelerate that process with integrated enterprise resource planning systems and general ledger and consolidate software. Within this segment we will discuss the elements of the financial close and also important concepts to assist the controller in accelerating their close timeline. This includes addressing all functional areas of the close including payroll, invoicing, payables, inventory, cash, and the general ledger. We will also discuss important concepts of ensuring your financial close is accurate by discussing bank reconciliations, overhead allocations, bad debt reserves, unpaid wages and accruals for vacation time, account reconciliations, deprecation and overall financial statement review. Note: This course does not address utilizing technology in the financial close. Its focus is to understand the varied procedures involved in the financial close whether or not technology is utilized. Speaker - Lynn Fountain
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Fraud Risk Management
2.00 Credits
The ACFE/COSO Fraud Risk Management Guide (FRMG) was published in 2016 (and updated in 2023). It has quickly gained acceptance as the set of best practices for preventing, detecting, and thus deterring fraud. The fraud landscape is constantly changing and evolving. The FRMG sets out a rigorous set of principles and leading practices for managing fraud risk for forward-thinking organizations to follow. It covers: How to establish fraud risk management governance. How to conduct rigorous fraud risk assessments. How to design and implement fraud control activities. How to establish reporting mechanisms and investigative procedures. How to monitor the overall fraud risk management program. Fraud risk can be managed. All anti-fraud and accountability professionals will benefit from this session's focus on effective fraud risk management. Speaker - David Cotton
A Practical Guide to Trusts
8.00 Credits
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This course provides in-depth information to enable the practitioner to make a well-informed decision as to whether a trust is the appropriate vehicle for a client’s financial, estate, and/or asset protection plan, and, if so, how the trust can best be implemented and operated. Participants will learn about the many different types of trusts that can be harnessed to save clients income, estate, generation-skipping, and other taxes, at both the federal and state level. Speaker - Arthur Werner
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CPA Crossings Self Study Package
Available Until
On Demand Only
0.00 Credits
CPA Crossings' Unlimited Self-Study Package (5/1/2024 - 4/30/2025) Unlimited access to over 100 self-study courses including white papers, webinars, product guides, case studies, industry analysis, and more. You will also be able to access any new self-study courses that are added during your subscription term. Access to LCPA Anytime begins immediately upon purchase of your subscription and ends on April 30, 2025. This product is not prorated. Please review our FAQ page for more detail.
Surgent's 2023 Tax Update
Available Until
3.00 Credits
Both businesses and individual clients face major changes as a result of tax reform, and tax professionals face the considerable challenge of delivering effective planning advice and services to address this myriad of recent developments. This course addresses this challenge and also encompasses the latest tax legislation applicable to individual and business clients. Continually updated to reflect enacted legislation.
Surgent's A Complete Guide to Offers in Compromise
Available Until
2.00 Credits
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This course is designed to assist practitioners in preparing Offers in Compromise (OIC). After this course, you should have an understanding of how proper planning can make a significant difference in the amount eventually paid to the IRS and the resulting financial well-being of your client. This program covers the basics, from choosing the proper forms to utilize through the filing of an appeal if necessary. We will also explain how to increase your chances of having your OIC approved by the IRS by going over the complexities involved.
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Surgent's A Complete Guide to the Yellow Book
Available Until
8.00 Credits
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If you work with governments and not-for-profits, a thorough understanding of the Yellow Book is essential. This course will equip you with a comprehensive knowledge of the Yellow Book requirements and increase your confidence and proficiency in performing Yellow Book audits. The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format including over 20 focused exercises on key practice issues.
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Surgent's A Complete Guide to the Yellow Book
Available Until
8.00 Credits
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If you work with governments and not-for-profits, a thorough understanding of the Yellow Book is essential. This course will equip you with a comprehensive knowledge of the Yellow Book requirements and increase your confidence and proficiency in performing Yellow Book audits. The course materials utilize a highly illustrative and innovative format including over 20 focused exercises on key practice issues.
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Surgent's A Complete Tax Guide to Exit Planning
Available Until
2.00 Credits
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When exit planning, it is important to weigh various issues, including tax implications, to achieve an effective management and/or ownership change. Many envision tax-free reorganizations being the most preferable structure to avoid capital gains tax, but the opportunities come at a cost to the seller. This course will provide a well-rounded discussion of the various strategies to consider when advising on exiting a business.
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Surgent's A Guide to Auditing Common Investments
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Many small- and mid-size entities hold fewer complex investments including alternative investments. This module will provide an overview for evaluating the proper recognition, measurement, and disclosure of common investment types as well as how to audit them. Derivatives and other more complex investments will be discussed in another module. (Please Note: This module is part of Surgent's Audit Skills Training: Level 2.)
Surgent's A Practical Guide to Auditing Cash and Cash Equivalents
Available Until
2.00 Credits
Cash and cash equivalents tend to be one of the first areas assigned to new auditors since it tends to be straightforward with less complexity and risk as other areas. In addition, there is little subjectivity involved and persuasive audit evidence from a third-party is generally available. Interestingly enough, this is an area that can have a significant risk of misappropriation of assets if the appropriate level of segregation of duties and other internal controls is not present. New auditors should approach cash with the same professional skepticism as other areas since there is always the risk of material misstatement. (Please Note: This module is part of Surgent's Audit Skills Training: Level 1.)
Surgent's Accounting Changes and Error Corrections
Available Until
2.00 Credits
This course provides an overview of the accounting requirements with respect to accounting changes and error corrections and the reporting implications within an entity's financial statements. The scope of accounting changes includes a discussion of changes in accounting principles, changes in accounting estimates, as well as changes of a reporting entity. The course also provides an overview of the accounting requirements of correcting errors in previously issued financial statements as well as restatement considerations. A majority of the information included within this course is sourced from the requirements found within FASB ASC Topic No 250, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections.
Surgent's Accounting Hot Topics
Available Until
2.00 Credits
In addition to being experts on the nuts and bolts of accounting and auditing, experienced auditors must also be aware of the emerging trends in our industry, as well as those complex topics with which we don't need to deal on an everyday basis. In this session, we'll cover some of those emerging and challenging topics. First, we'll review technology hot trends and how they will likely impact your clients and how you will need to address them in your audit risk assessments and procedures. Next, as the FASB continues to implement more opportunities to value assets and liabilities at their fair value, we'll review the accounting definition of fair value and how it's determined. Lastly, we'll review two areas that use fair value concepts pervasively, accounting for business combinations and asset impairment. With a sound understanding of the basic accounting concepts related to these complex topics, auditors will be able to significantly enhance the level of services that they can provide to their clients. (Please Note: This module is part of Surgent's Audit Skills Training: Level 4.)
Surgent's Accounting Principle Changes
Available Until
1.00 Credits
This course provides an overview of the accounting requirements with respect to accounting principle changes. The scope of accounting changes includes a discussion of changes in accounting principles, changes in accounting estimates, as well as changes of a reporting entity. A majority of the information included within this course is sourced from the requirements found within FASB ASC Topic No. 250, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections.